The Borderlands is where Scotland and England meet – a vast and beautiful rural landscape covering Dumfries and Galloway, Cumbria, Northumberland and the Scottish Borders.
A place to grow
The Borderlands is home to some of Britain’s most treasured locations including two UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the Lake District and Hadrian’s Wall, the UK’s first Dark Sky Park in Galloway Forest Park and countless iconic landscapes.
The Borderlands makes up ten per cent of the UK land mass and is home to a million people, yet 14 million people live within two hours’ drive.
It also has railway stations on the East and West Coast main lines with direct services to London, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Manchester.
The region contains more than 45,000 businesses and contributes around £23billion pounds to the UK economy.
Significant industry sectors include energy, forestry and agriculture, ports and logistics, tourism and manufacturing.
The potential to grow and capitalise on numerous unique assets is already empowering the area to leverage opportunities to underpin existing industries, whilst prioritising emerging growth sectors.
Whether you live here, work here or are planning to visit, the Borderlands is a unique area equally steeped in heritage and ambition.
For residents, the Borderlands offers a place to call home in which individuals can take part in learning, living and enjoying a host of activities and enhanced career opportunities.
For businesses, the Borderlands is a place attracting new investment, enhanced connectivity and infrastructure to equip local organisations with the means they need to compete and succeed.
And for visitors, the Borderlands is a destination ripe with adventure, relaxation, history and new opportunities.